Welcome To online document viewer!
It's Nice To Meet You
Begin using online document viewer

Install online document viewer addon at Chrome Google webstore to your Google account and use it for read your documents.

Safety first!

You care about privacy. We care about privacy. That's why all files are deleted from our server after you reload the page. Check our privacy policy for more information.

All in the cloud

Our servers in the cloud process your files and you don't need to install anything on your computer. Isn't that great?

Works with Google Drive

You can open files from your PC or Google Drive.


Do you want to read documents quickly from your computer, or from your Google Drive archive? We help you do it quickly. Our application supports 3 ODT, ODP, ODS document file formats.

What people say?

Sally Giffith

“Great Job! Really want to thank you for all the time and effort you put into this .. just to offer it to us for free”

Qi Zhang

“Good way to view docs online without having to save it to your computer..”

Ganpat Mahobiya

“Great app. Really helpful as i open a loads of documents.Thanks!”

Tj Nelson

“No more saving files just to peek inside and so far every file type I've encountered is handled reasonably well -- good enough to browse the contents. Thanks for the great app!”